Last week, on a typical Thursday night, human beings worldwide were met with an object glistening throughout the dark sky. What was it? The “Supermoon.” A supermoon is a rare phenomenon that occurs when a full moon nearly coincides with its perigee (the part of its orbit that’s closest to planet Earth). “When the supermoon occurred, the moon appeared “8% larger than a normal full moon and 15% brighter than a normal full moon,” according to the lunar topographic studies coordinator for the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers, Dave Teske.
Although taking place a few days ago, this infrequent, yet beautiful sight may not be seen again until the year 2037… an entire fourteen years away. It is worth contemplating how much the world is going to change in that time.
The supermoon phenomenon is a monumental astronomical event and a spectacle that won’t be presented to human eyes for many years to come. Taking a look outside and viewing the bright, full moon, helps people around the world appreciate and cherish the special world in which we live. Events like these, bestowed upon us by our Creator, leave us both curious and astonished. When our eyes are gifted with such stunning sights, we enter a state of both awe and appreciation for the beautiful universe of which we are a part.