Parashat Yitro, named after Moshe’s father-in-law, contains the story of the Jewish people receiving the Ten Commandments from Mount Sinai. At the beginning of the parashah, Moshe and Yitro meet, and Yitro gives Moshe suggestions about how to set up the Jewish court system. In all, the parashah shines in the lessons it teaches the Jewish people. Among the teachings are the following: fairness, leadership, and the relationship between man and God.
A significant portion of the Parashah takes place on Mount Sinai as God announces the Ten Commandments to the Jewish nation. This event truly shows the significance of the relationship the Jewish people have with God and vice versa. We, the people, can also see the important role given to Moshe by Hashem: to bring the Jewish people together and make them believe. Ultimately, Parashat Yitro asks the Jewish people, across time, to reflect on how we can uphold these commandments with our maximum potential. Once we do this, we can develop an even deeper connection with Hashem.
To this day, the Ten Commandments continue to be a relevant source for the Jewish people and will forever stand as a testament to what we, as a nation, stand for. As we make Hashem proud, we are reminded of how the Ten Commandments have shaped the society we live in and how they have helped the world become a stronger, more compassionate, and fair place for us to live.